Marino Santa María. Buenos Aires, 1949. Distinguished Personality of the Culture, Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, 2012. Creator of Lanín Street Public Art Work, declared Site of Cultural Interest – Cultural Heritage of Barracas by the Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, 2014. Rector of Prilidiano Pueyrredón National School of Fine Arts, 1992-1998. During his tenure, he participated in the creation of the National University Institute for the Arts (IUNA, for its acronym in Spanish), at present National University for the Arts (UNA, for its acronym in Spanish). Painting National Professor, graduated from the Prilidiano Pueyrredón National School of Fine Arts, 1976. PUBLIC ART WORKS – URBAN ART INTERVENTIONS: 2021 Mural de la bodega, Bodega Piccolo Banfi (Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza). 2019 Galas del Río, participatory mural (La Paz, Entre Ríos). 2018 Sendero Pictogramas, Youth Olympic Games (Buenos Aires) Berisso en tiempo pasado, Pasaje Wilde, Berisso (Province of Buenos Aires) 2017 Plazoleta Santa María, Santa María del Rosario School, Barracas (Buenos Aires) 2016 Traslación- donde habita el fragmento, Las Heras Underground Station, Line H (Buenos Aires) Postales, Pasaje Hugo del Carril, Flores Neighbourhood (Buenos Aires) 2015 Gardel, Carlos Gardel Underground Station, Line B (Buenos Aires) Trilogía Gardel, Cassa Lepage Art (Buenos Aires) Renunciamiento, UPPA Headquarters (Buenos Aires) Senderos del conocimiento, University of La Matanza (Province of Buenos Aires) 2014 Jardines, Setting in the hall of Plaza Italia Underground Station, Line D (Buenos Aires). Mural, Pedro de Elizalde Hospital (Buenos Aires) Mural, Club Billares (Buenos Aires) 2013 Fuente Ríos de color, hydro mural, Canale building (Buenos Aires) Gardel hay uno sólo, Medellín (Colombia) Toldos porteños (Chile and Balcarce streets, Buenos Aires) H + B Mosaico extendido del Sur, British Hospital (Buenos Aires) Mural Maternidad, SUTERH Headquarters (Buenos Aires) Mural Vivir Siempre, Ecunhi (Buenos Aires) 2012 Mural, Los Piletones Neighbourhood (Buenos Aires) 2011 Mural Parador Retiro- Gobierno de la Ciudad, (Retiro, Buenos Aires) 2010 Mural La Voz de la Memoria, (Alsina and Pte. Sáenz Peña streets, Buenos Aires) Mural de las actitudes, LAR Cooperative (Crespo, Province of Entre Ríos) 2009 Huellas microscópicas y Memorias de laboratorio, Italian Hospital (Buenos Aires) Memorias del Puerto, Dock Sud (Province of Buenos Aires) Tango-Abasto Project – 2nd stage, ceramics intervention 2008 Museo – Intervención urbana (Barracas, Buenos Aires) Intervención color, Martinelli Theatre (Victoria, Province of Buenos Aires) Polo & Arts (Alvear Avenue, Buenos Aires) Cúpulas de Buenos Aires II, UTGHRA Headquarters (Buenos Aires) El cubo, (Miguel Lillo Park, Necochea, Province of Buenos Aires) 2007 Uno, once y nosotros, Pasaje Enrique Santos Discépolo. Memorias del Sur, mural at pre-cast house factory, Madres de Plaza de Mayo Foundation (Barracas) Cúpulas de Buenos Aires I, mosaic mural, Cassará Foundation. Torres del Puente Peatonal, Ituzaingó (Province of Buenos Aires) Mural Buenos Aires mi Ciudad, Office of the Ombudsman of the City of Buenos Aires. 2006 Las calles del centenario, La Boca (Buenos Aires). Huella, Homage to Miguel Dávila, Octavio de la Colina Museum (Province of La Rioja). 2005 Proyecto Calle Lanín – 2nd Stage, ceramics intervention. Centro Cultural Carlos Gardel, San Fernando, color intervention. La casa de las palabras, San Fernando, Province of Buenos Aires. El Molino de todos, Confitería El Molino (Buenos Aires). Memorias del viento, Los Toldos, Province of Buenos Aires. Vientos del Sur, Confitería San Miguel, Barracas (Buenos Aires). Huellas de la Naturaleza, Confitería Undici, Barracas (Buenos Aires). 2004 Colores cardinales, Río Cuarto, Córdoba. Los sueños de Galileo, Galileo Galilei Institute, Río Cuarto (Córdoba). Memorias americanistas, La Banda (Province of Santiago del Estero). Mural, No. 3 Mariano Moreno School, Los Toldos (Province of Buenos Aires) 2003 Huellas de la abstracción, urban intervention, Plaza Jauz, Río Cuarto Health Centre, Córdoba. 2002 Interferencias desplazadas, Untref, Caseros (Province of Buenos Aires). 2002 – 2005 He creates, organizes, directs and carries out the Tango-Abasto Project of Public Art, in Zelaya and Anchorena streets of the Abasto Neighbourhood, which consisted in painting the façades of houses, incorporating big scale Carlos Gardel’s portraits and tango musical scores. 2001 – 2005 Banderas de Artistas, Public Art project for which 500 artists were invited to produce banners with personal images, to be installed all along Avenida 9 de Julio, Buenos Aires, as a big plantation of art and colour. 1999 – 2001 He creates, organizes, directs and carries out Lanín Street Project of Public Art in the Barracas Neighbourhood, comprising the color intervention of house façades and the Huellas del Aire installation on the concrete wall of the railroad. PRIZES AND DISTINCTIONS: 2019 Future City Prize, awarded by Benito Quinquela Martín Fine Arts Museum. 2015 Prize to Solidarity Art, awarded by AAGA. 2014 Lanín Street declared Site of Cultural Interest – Cultural Heritage of Barracas by the Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. 2012 Distinguished Personality of the Culture, by the Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Alfredo Palacios Mention, for his social and cultural work. 2012 Prize to Excellency, awarded by Cuisine & Vins. 2009 Order of the Mailbox (Orden del Buzón), awarded by Mano Blanca Museum Foundation. 2006 Academic Vocation Prize, awarded by El Libro Foundation. 2005 Mention Prize to Landscaping, awarded by Casa FOA 2005. 2003 Prize to Visual Arts 2002 to Public Arts Production for Lanín Street Project, awarded by the Argentine Art Critics Association. Selected and invited by Bordeaux Architecture School, France, to exhibit Lanín Street Public Art Project. 2001 Third Prize Painting, Universidad del Salvador, Palais de Glace National Exhibition Halls. 2000 Commemorative Medal, on the occasion of the 142nd anniversary of the Café Tortoni, for his Public Art work. 1996 Prize to Artistic Education Promotion, awarded by Revista Magenta. Prize to Jujuy’s Artists Promotion, awarded by the Culture Directorate of the Province of Jujuy. Annual Merit Medal, awarded by the Argentine Fine Arts Artists Association. 1994 Mention, Homage to Miró Exhibition. 1989 First Prize, Banco Cooperativo de Caseros Exhibition. 1987 Selected for travelling to Spain, OPTAR – Hoy en el Arte Gallery.